Fr. Ben Nwosu, Pastor
Phone 660-438-5870 (Residence)
Office Phone: 660-438-3844
Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tuesday - Friday
Secretary - Diane Downing
Phone: 660-438-3844
Bookkeeper - Jerri Mockus
Religious Education - Brenda Porter
PC President - Mary Kemna
Knights of Columbus - Grand Knight - David Grimes
Knights of Columbus - Ladies Auxiliary - Regina Mackenberg
Altar & Rosary - Shirley Smith
Cole Camp:
Mary Craig - Bookkeeper
Kristi Craig - Secretary
Phone: 660-438-3952
PC President - David Ulm
Ron Carter - Office Bookkeeper
Phone: 417-745-6361
Mass schedule as follows:
Saturday at Hermitage @ 4:00 PM
Saturday at St Ann @ 6:30 PM
Sunday at St Ann @ 8:30 AM
Sunday at Cole Camp @ 11:00 AM
Weekdays - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at St Ann @ 8:30 AM
Ash Wednesday - March 4, 2025
Masses will be at St. Ann at 8:30 AM, St. Bernadette at 11:00 AM and Sts. Peter and Paul at 6:00 PM
Confession Times:
St Ann - on Sundays 8 AM - 8:15 AM and Fridays following weekday Mass or by appointment.
Ss Peter & Paul - On request
If you are a new Parishioner or have not been receiving church announcements by text / email, please notify office to be added to Flocknotes. This is the easiest and most efficient way to communicate to all parishioners at once.
Deceased Members Memorial Mass
On March 4, 2025, the Knights of Columbus Jay Harris Council 8620 will hold the annual Deceased Members Memorial Mass to remember and celebrate the lives and contributions of the departed Brothers & Sisters from our Council and Auxiliary.
This Annual Memorial Service provides a special opportunity for us, as a Brotherhood, to remember and honor our loved ones who have passed away over the past years.
This Memorial Service will start at 6 PM and consist of a Memorial Mass followed by an Honorary Ceremony, introduction of recognized survivors and dinner prepared by the Knights kitchen crew.
All family survivors of former members as well as current members and spouses of the Jay Harris Council and Ladies Auxiliary are invited and encouraged to attend.
Pope Francis
Please join us and keep Pope Francis in your prayers during this time.
O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favorably on your servant Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd;
Grant, we pray, that by word and example he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY 3/30 - Tim Francis is coming to Warsaw
Tim is founder of You Shall Believe Ministries (, will give a free live presentation titled, “Do You Believe in Miracles? Seeing Is Believing,” March 30th @ 1:30pm. @ St. Ann Catholic Church. More information will be coming your way soon! ALL are welcome
Baby Items
Thank you to everyone for your generous contributions to the Baby Shower
Children / Youth Table
We now have a designated table for youth in the lobby
Please tell Lupe Ostrolencki thank you for making such a beautiful table covering.
Ideas are always welcome...
The Little Black Book Lent 2025
The Little Black Book is your companion for Lent. The book start the Sunday before Lent — TODAY. Meditations on the Passion According to John.
Please borrow or take a book from our library. So many to choose from - help yourself
Memorial Garden Bricks
Reminder—bricks can be purchased for the Memorial Prayer Garden
forms are in the lobby, pick one up today.
A Grief Share support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
Lora Ulm (816) 678-8695
2024 Special Collections
In 2024, the generous faithful of the Diocese of Jefferson City shared nearly $1 million with the beneficiaries of our three diocesan special collections.
In March, parishioners contributed $330,998.54 to our Easter Special Collection. These gifts support retired priests and religious. Following that collection, the diocese distributed $165,449.27 to the National Religious Retirement Office, and $165,449.27 was transferred to the Priest Mutual Benefit Society.
The diocese held a Missions Special Collection during Masses on July 20-21. This collection raised $194,805 in support of our missions work. These funds provide assistance to the people in the home dioceses of the mission priests serving us, as well as support national collections that benefit missions work around the world.
Our 2024 Christmas parish assessment, supported by gifts given during the Christmas Special Collection, raised $447,408. From that total, $200,000 was given to the Infirm Priest Fund, and $247,408 was distributed to the Seminarian Studies Fund.
We appreciate all the faithful for their extraordinary support of these important needs in our diocese. In 2025, the Diocese of Jefferson City will repeat this same schedule, with special collections held at Easter, in July, and at Christmas.
Church Calendars
Church calendars are in and available in the Church lobby.
College Scholarships Available
Applications due March 26, 2025. The diocese of Jefferson City is please to offer parish families scholarship opprotunities through a generous donation from the families of William H. (bill) Simon and John L. Warack. For eligibility requirements and to complete an application visit:
This holy year of Jubilee invites the faithful to embrace the spirit of hope. A Jubilee Year is an important occasion in the tradition of our Church, focused on promoting spiritual renewal through reconciliation and unity among believers. The Jubilee Year of 2025 will provide opportunities to experience grace, including by participating in special Jubilee Masses or joining a pilgrimage.
If you have a child in 1st through 5th grade and would like for them to begin Religious Education classes this fall, please contact Brenda Porter (417) 912– 5822
All youth 6th through 12th grades are invited to start classes on September 8, after the 8:30am Mass.
Grab a doughnut and meet in the youth room!
See you then!
First Communion
If your child is ready to begin preparing for the Sacrament of First Communion please contact Brenda Porter to set up classes. (417) 912-5822
Coffee and Donuts Ministry
Coffee & donuts sign up sheet is doing GREAT! But we need more signatures for the new year! Thank You so very much.
Corn Hole Tournaments!
Any Corn Hole players out there? Come join in the fun at the Knights Hall as tournaments are being played weekly on Tuesday evenings. The games are open to the public, $15 entry fee and sign in starts at 5:30.
There is a new Announcement Board in the lobby.
Please feel free for ALL Parishioners to post on this board. Thank you, Congratulations, I’m in need of…, story, pictures, etc. This is your board to share information.
It is not an advertisement page . (see below)
Advertising Opportunities
If any business wants to advertise in our Church Bulletin we have three spaces available right now
Church Classroom Schedule
There are now calendars outside of the two classrooms. Please feel free to put in your classes and meetings on these calendars so that everyone using the classrooms knows who is scheduled and when. Hope this helps.
The Kids’ Bulletin is here!
Please pick one up for your kids or grandkids. There is a new versionevery week that follows the readings of the Sunday Mass. There is also coloring booklets.
Please contact the parish office if you would like to be included in a transportation “rotation” to help give Parish members an opportunity to join us at Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist (Saturday or Sunday Mass flexibility). The parishioners live in the Warsaw area so this may add an extra 5 - 15 minutes to your moirning commute.
Order forms are available at the table in the foyer if you would like to order an engraved stone for yourself or a loved one. Please complete the form, include your check and turn the form into the Parish office.
Orders will be accumulated and sent to the vendor once the minimum order requirement is reached.
Please consider a Mass intention for a loved one. Recommended stipend is $10.
We have lots of openings at this time
Blessings to all that help us fill the calendar through the year!
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting.
For information please contact
Lisa Kelley at 660-281-0199.
Breaking the Silence of Abuse
As a Diocese, we are committed to breaking the silence of abuse. When someone is reporting abuse, we must acknowledge their pain and how difficult it is to talk about it. False allegations are very rare. Our initial response to someone who is disclosing abuse for the first time must be compassionate. For those who need to report abuse, encourage them to contact our Victims Assistance Coordinator, Jacqueline Baldwin, (573-694-3199) and to make use of the appropriate State of Missouri hotline (1-800-392-3738) or the Attorney General’s clergy abuse online form. All of this information is also on our website, under the ‘report abuse’ tab. For those who want information, or want you to convey a message to Bishop McKnight, please encourage them to write to us at
Please see Paula Billinger at the religious counter if you have lost anything in the Church. She noticed there was quite a few personal items there that folks may want returned. Diane or Paula will direct you to the right location.
Locked Doors Behind You as You Enter the Church
In an effort to improve security on Church premises, parishioners that use the back doors will be responsible for locking the door behind them when entering and leaving...and to turn off lights. If the front door is locked upon entering, be sure to lock the door behind you as you enter and leave. We apologize for any inconvenience but the safety of our parishioners and visitors is first and foremost. Those of you that help in the Church working in various capacities are very much appreciated and we give thanks for your time, talent and treasures that you give so generously! Thank you for helping with this important request.
St. Ann Prayer Group
If you would like to be added to the prayer group, please email Diane at and provide your name and email address and you will be added (or call parish office). We welcome new members to join this important ministry of prayer for our fellow parishioners, their family and friends. Prayer is powerful!!
Hope Can Help!
Hope is a free chat service providing encouragement and strategies on how to manage everyday stress and anxiety. To connect with Hope, text “Hi” to 1-202-949-7249. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
"Donate Now“ on St. Ann’s website—
PayPal and credit/debit card payment options are now available on the St. Ann website for your Parish contributions:
· Find the purple “Donate Now” button on the first page of the website
· Enter the amount of the donation
· Choose Donate with PayPal or Donate with Credit/Debit Card
· If you choose PayPal, you will be asked to enter an email address (if you already have a PayPal account) or there is an option to create an account - complete the required information and hit “Donate Now”
· If you choose the Credit/Debit Card option - provide required information and then hit the “Donate Now” button - that easy!
· Please contact the Parish office with any questions or concerns.
Knights of Columbus -
Have you ever seen someone doing something and say to yourself, I can do that?
Have you ever seen an organization and said one of these days I will join them?
Have you done something to make your family life stronger, your faith stronger, your purpose in life more fulfilling?
The Knights of Columbus can do all these things for you and your family, your church, and your community.
Can my wife and family be involved with me in council activities? In most all cases, YES, they can!
What are you waiting for to join us?
Will it take a free year’s membership to join? We have that!
Why are you not a Knight of Columbus? Join us at Select the QR code below
What do you want from the Knights of Columbus?
Free 1 Year Membership — JOIN US TODAY!!!
We pray the Rosary before Mass each Sunday at 10:30 am—please join us!
Please consider a Mass intention for 2024 for a loved one. Recommended stipend is $10. See Kristi or Mary in the office before or after Mass.
High School Dinner
March 16, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Cole Camp High School Sophomore Dinner – Cost is $15 for adults, $12 Kids, Kids 1-4 are free. Menu includes Fish, Cornbread, Salads and Deserts.
The Cole Camp Food Pantry is in need of donations. Monetary donations can be mailed to: Cole Camp Food Pantry, 505 S. Keeney St., Cole Camp, MO 65325. Food donations can be delivered to the same address. Regular hours are Wednesday: 10 AM to noon, Thursday: 3 PM to 5 PM, Saturday: 10 AM to noon. Donations can also be left here at the Church.
Best Choice Save-a-Label Program
Please save your Best Choice labels. We need the UPC portion (proof of purchase). There is a jar in the hall to put them in. The Save-A-Label program is an extremely successful program, which helps non-profit organizations raise money. Currently, there are over 8,900 non-profit groups in the AWG trade area that participate in the program. These groups earn $.03 for each Best Choice UPC symbol redeemed, with a minimum of 1,000 labels required for redemption. This program represents more than 1.2 million cases of Best Choice products purchased by consumers in one year!
From St. Bernadette Catholic Church in Hermitage
St Bernadette has a website, please take a look at
Bishop McKnight's March Prayer:
"For a spirit of humility and repentance, that we may confess our sins and seek reconciliation in preparation for the Easter feasts. May our hearts be purified and opened to the grace of God. We pray to the Lord."
Your generous support and contributions will help enable our Parish to fund those in need and improve our Church.
Click on this link to make a donation now: